27 May 2009


Mind full of thoughts
Agony of undone acts
Mysteries of your mind
Actions in plain
Lovely moments
With you around you
So much in pursuit
Reality in dispute
I see you across the table
I watch the glare in your eyes
As a sunshine from a distant coast
Biting aspirations of your belongingness
Piercing me and hurting me
I run around like a maniac
I realize my heart beating faster
The fragrance of you stronger
Devoid if your thoughts for me
I hold your fragrance in me.


  1. Very nice one :) Anjali

  2. "I see you across the table
    I watch the glare in your eyes
    As a sunshine from a distant coast
    Biting aspirations of your belongingness
    Piercing me and hurting me"

    Such beautiful lines.
    I liked the picture equally.
    Keep up the good work buddy. :-)

  3. very soothing n calm..nice peace of work :)

  4. Anjali@: Thanks so much do take care and be happy. I wish you all the luck.

  5. Vinnie: Thanks a ton..........notthing can match ur fiction 55, and yes thanks so much about the picture, i have to find look hard for them, so now i have decided to take up photography.

  6. wildchild: Hi there nothing can be as intense than what you write.... you dont know but your poems are like a mirror image of my emotion......just have little words when it comes to describing you.

  7. Swati: Thanks a ton buddy.......

  8. Thanks buddy. I'm glad you like my blog posts.
    You are my favourite blogger. :-)
    I find your writing intense.

  9. As sunshine from a distant coast...nice imagery...

    I hold your fragrance in me... That was so sool...

    Kinda reminded me of bryam adams song - please forgive me... 'I remember the smeel of your skin, I remember everything'

  10. kahan kayam hogaye the aap... glad u r back... :)


Few words i have few words i need. Dont hesitate your IQ is at stake.